Tuesday 5 November 2013

the facade


a smile, 
is it displays a, 
beautiful smile,
sorrowful smile,
bitter smile,
fake smile,
truthful smile,
happy smile,
sinister smile,
real smile,
encourages smile, 
you can't even notify what smile is it. 

a smile,
not everyone know what lies under that smile, 
not until that lips stops smiling,
only then you know the reality.

p/s: keep smiling, the sincerest smile.

no one is perfect

we are humans,
humans  aren't perfect,
we have many flaws,
but we, 
the children of tomorrow,
can change it for the better,.

in this cruel world,
nothing's easy,
everything has their own price,
if we change it a little,
everyone'll be happy.

p/s: don't change because of someone, it won't benefit you but change it for yourself and you'll receive it.

it's not about the past, but the future


i know not everyone can forget the past,
but i know too,
sometimes we can dwell in the past,
either for a short time or a longer time, 
so make your choice now.

i know that not everyone can forget the past easily,
i know too it hurts so much,
if we keep mourning over the past,
we'll never step forward. 

so everyone who has bitter past,
that you want to erase it so badly,
clenched your fists and breath in, 
just take it slowly,
sit down and reflect.

p/s: keep complaining won't change anything.

3 light steps


in life,
you'll find many things,
either it makes you happy or it'll upsets you,
if you encounter an unpleasant moment,
just remember this,
it'll cheer you up.

p/s: learnt you lessons. after that, forgive and forget.

i'm possible

you know that moments,
the moments when all things in your life goes against you,
and you stumble upon them when you try to walk, 
you want to give up, 
because you feel restless,
don't ever give up,
the hardest moment are the times many stops their journey,
but you,
if you just take one step ahead,
and stand still on your own,
until you cross the worst bridge,
you'll find a new path in your life,
so, if you ever found that,
don't ever give up.

p/s: the hardest moments are the turning point

love life


don't make others cry,
 if you don't want to cry,
don't hurt others,
if you don't want to hurt too.
share your smile to others,
if you want theirs smiles too,
life is like this, 
you get back what you give.

p/s: live this life as your best